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Radio & Hapkido
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Shanghai day 2

Shanghai day 3

Shanghai day 4

Radio & Hapkido
February 05, 2007

Today was an awesome day.  Definitely one of the best I've had in Korea.  Since I've been missing acting quite a bit lately, I've been trying to pursue possible avenues to find acting gigs.  A great contact and new friend is Mr. Joo.  I met him at the Hapkido dojang I study at and we've hit it off.  He's a local radio celebrity and was super kind to give me a tour of his radio studio and other parts of his building today.  We saw the room he does his daily broadcast in, different production areas, a sound stage, and a TV studio.

It was a lot of fun and it felt great to be around entertainment technical equipment again.  It may sound odd, but as we started to get close to a sound stage, I could recognize the smell.  I also started to get goose bumps because it's so much fun for me to be in that environment.  I'm such a nut.  On a set, I get excited about seeing cables all over the place.  I think the entertainment business, especially movies, is magical and when I see all the equipment and all the people running around, it's such a thrill.  You can see the magic happening and feel the energy everywhere.  It's a beautiful joyful feeling. As a thank you to Mr. Joo, I printed the above photo in color and framed it for him.  I think it's a great photo of us!


After the tour, it was time to head off to the Hapkido dojang.  To warm up, we played a game they call "Hand Ping Pong."  It's basically a small toy rubber ball that you hit with your hand over a mat placed in the middle of the room.  Much like normal ping pong, there are lines you must stay in and a certain number of bounces that need to take place in between hits.  These guys have been playing this for 10 years so they were totally kicking my ass.


After that fun and great warm up, we worked out for a while and Mr. Joo showed me a new move.  There are numerous kicks and various punches that we do daily but we also learn different joint locks and throws.  Once I have a pretty good handle on one technique, they show me another.  Today I learned what we've been calling skill #4.  I love doing Hapkido.  It's great fun because I'm exercising, but it doesn't feel like I am.  Since I'm the king of the lazyland kingdom, it's a perfect trick.  My body is getting exercise, but my mind is having a great time!


What I learned today about Korea:  1)  I like the smell of sound stages!